How Many Calories Are in Champagne?

For many, champagne is synonymous with celebration and indulgence. However, for those watching their calorie intake, understanding the calorie content of champagne becomes crucial. In this article, we'll delve into the calorie content of champagne, exploring the factors that influence it and providing insights into making healthier choices without sacrificing the joy of sipping champagne.

Calories in Champagne

Champagne is a type of sparkling wine that typically contains fewer calories compared to many other alcoholic beverages like beer or cocktails. The calorie content of champagne primarily comes from alcohol and sugar.

Calories in a Standard Serving

A standard serving of champagne is typically considered to be 4 ounces or about 120 milliliters. In this serving size, champagne generally contains around 90 to 120 calories.

Factors Affecting Calorie Content

Alcohol Content

Most of the time, champagne has less booze than spirits like vodka or whiskey. However, the alcohol in champagne is still a big part of its total calorie count. Each gram of alcohol has about 7 calories, so the more alcohol there is in the champagne, the more calories it will have.

Residual Sugar

The number of calories in champagne can also be changed by how much sugar is left over. Champagne can be very dry (brut nature) or very sweet (doux), based on how much sugar is added the way it is made. Because sugar has calories (about 4 calories per gram), champagnes that are sweeter tend to have more calories.

Serving Size

In the end, how many calories you eat will depend on how much you pour yourself. Champagne is usually served in amounts of 4 to 6 ounces, but many people pour bigger glasses, which means they eat more calories. It's important to watch your portions when drinking champagne so you don't eat too many calories.

Calories in Different Types of Champagne

Brut Champagne

The most popular type of champagne is Brut, which usually has the least amount of sugar. It's crisp and dry, and it doesn't have as many calories as sweeter kinds. A normal 4-ounce serving of brut champagne has about 90 to 100 calories on average.

Extra Brut Champagne

Extra brut champagne has even less sugar added than brut champagne, making it even drier. Because of this, it usually has a few less calories than brut champagne. About 80 to 90 calories may be in a 4-ounce amount of extra brut champagne.

Sec Champagne

Because it has more sugar, sec champagne is a little sweeter than brut. The added sweetness also means that there are a few more calories. About 100 to 110 calories can be found in a 4-ounce dose of sec champagne.

Demi-Sec Champagne

With a higher sugar level, demi-sec champagne is much sweeter than brut and sec champagne. So, it also has more calories because of this. About 110 to 120 calories may be in a 4-ounce dose of demi-sec champagne.

Doux Champagne

Doux champagne has the most sugar of any type of champagne, making it the sweetest. Because of this, it also has the most calories. About 120 to 130 calories can be found in a 4-ounce dose of doux champagne.

Lower-Calorie Champagne Options

Choose Dry or Brut Varieties

Dry or brut champagnes typically have less residual sugar than sweeter varieties, which can result in fewer calories per serving. Look for labels indicating "brut nature," "extra brut," or "brut" to find champagne with minimal added sugar.

Opt for Brut Rosé

Brut rosé champagne combines the dryness of brut champagne with the fruity flavors of rosé wine. It's typically lower in sugar than sweeter rosé champagne varieties, making it a good option for those watching their calorie intake.


Check the Alcohol Content

Higher alcohol content generally translates to more calories per serving, so choosing champagne with a lower alcohol by volume (ABV) percentage can help reduce calorie intake. Look for champagnes with around 11-12% ABV for lower-calorie options.

Avoid Sweet Mixers

When you drink champagne, don't add any sugary mixers like fruit juices or syrups because they can make the calories a lot higher. To make it taste better, choose plain champagne or mix it with calorie-free drinks like sparkling water or a splash of lemon juice.

Pair with Lighter Foods

To make a balanced meal, pair champagne with light, low-calorie foods like salads, fresh fruits, seafood, or lean meats. If you want to avoid eating too many calories, don't pair champagne with foods that are high in fat or calories.


Does Champagne Have More Calories Than Wine?

Champagne typically contains fewer calories per serving compared to most still wines. On average, a 4-ounce glass of champagne contains around 90-100 calories, while the same amount of wine can range from 90 to over 200 calories, depending on the variety and sweetness level.

How Many Calories In a Bottle of Champagne?

The number of calories in a bottle of champagne can vary depending on the size of the bottle and its alcohol content. On average, a standard 750ml bottle of champagne contains approximately 570-650 calories.

Are There Low-Calorie Champagne Options Available?

There are some champagnes that are low in calories, especially those that are called "brut" or "extra brut." There isn't much added sugar to these types of champagne, so each serving has fewer calories than sweeter champagne kinds.

How Can I Estimate the Calorie Content of Champagne?

To estimate the calorie content of champagne, you can use the following general guidelines:
Dry or brut champagne: around 90-100 calories per 4-ounce serving.
Sweeter champagne varieties: up to 120-150 calories per 4-ounce serving.
Champagne cocktails: calorie content varies depending on the ingredients used.


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